SacredSheetMusic.com is owned and operated by Dr. David G. Parker, servant of the Lord Jesus Christ - ambassador for Grace - lover of God. For over twenty years David published music under the corporate name C & L Enterprises, Inc. of Greenville with more than thirty books and numerous octavos and recordings available to the public. Seeing the "handwriting on the wall" with regards to the printing industry and his small publishing company, he realized the need to innovate and in 2007 SacredSheetMusic.com was launched. Here is where C & L Enterprises, Inc. of Greenville transitioned to DBA SacredSheetMusic. Now you can find all of the original C & L Enterprises, Inc. book selections from the Soloist books (including Soloist Christmas) and the HymnPlaying books at this site. These books went permanently out of print in 2010 but are now offered in entirety here at SacredSheetMusic.com as individual digital downloads. Now that many independent vendors sell at the SacredSheetMusic.com website, much like Amazon MarketPlace or eBay, the original SacredSheetMusic is only one of many independent vendors selling at the SacredSheetMusic.com website. We will soon be offering over 13,000 conservative, sacred selections for sale.
David, bass/baritone, is on the music faculty of Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC where he conducts the Opus 6 vocal ensemble and teaches private voice, diction for singers, vocal pedagogy, music technology and opera and oratorio literature. David earned the bachelor and master of music degrees in voice from Bob Jones University and a doctorate in vocal performance from the University of Michigan. Teachers have included Bill McCauley, Charles Koelsch, Andrew White, John McCollum and Sherrill Milnes. An experienced oratorio and opera soloist, he continues to solo regularly with regional orchestras. In the Fall of 2014 he was the bass soloist for the Vaughan Williams Serenade to Music with the Greenville Chorale and Greenville Symphony. In 2014 – 2015 David was the guest choral clinician and conductor for the CACS State Choral Festival in Denver, CO and the FACS State Choral Festival in Lakeland, FL. This past year he sang seven performances of Handel’s Messiah completing his 65th lifetime performance in Chicago, IL. In the Fall of 2016 he will be the baritone soloist with the Greenville Symphony Orchestra and Greenville Chorale on the Ernest Bloch Avodath Hakodesh. David is also the music pastor of Westgate Baptist Church in Spartanburg, SC. He lives with his sweetheart on the edge of the mountains at Table Rock in SC. His hobbies include computer programming and riding his motorcycle through the beautiful Carolina mountains. PS - this pic is at the Teatro all Scala, or "La Scala" opera house in Milan, Italy. We were there in 2015 to see Puccini's Tosca.